Triantafyllidis / Building Information Modelling (BIM) beyond an efficiency and costs’ saving method.

Building Information Modelling (BIM) beyond an efficiency and costs’ saving method. The use of BIM as a mediator towards collaboration, sustainable design and design exploration.

Author: Georgios Triantafyllidis, TU Graz

Supervisor: Roger Riewe, Prof., TU Graz

Research stage: Initial Doctoral Stage

Category: Paper

DDR Statement

Design is a transdisciplinary field of study in which collaboration among different stakeholders is necessary in order to guarantee a good final result. Design problems are complex problems whose solutions often if not always are causes for other problems. Therefore, the job of the designers is not limited to form giving, but on creating the situations in which dialogue, collaboration and inclusion of different perspectives can emerge. In such a constellation, the figure of the “expert” does not exist. Every participant contributes equally to the development of the design solution in a causal-circular fashion. That means that every part of that systems is ready to affect the others while at the same time is ready to get affected. Designing according to Glanville, is unfolding as a conversation between a self and various possible kinds of other, such as a pen and paper, a person, an imagined person, computer soft- and hardware, physical models and so on. The crucial requirement is for the self to allow the other to “speak back” and to accommodate the unexpected so that self affects other, and other affects self. Avoiding requisite variety, both get partially “out of control” in a mix of positive and negative feedback, thus conversing along non-determinable trajectories to arrive at previously unknown destinations. (Fischer and Herr, 2019)