Skrzypczak / Bodily Movement in Architectural Theory and Its Implications for Spatial Composition

Bodily Movement in Architectural Theory and Its Implications for Spatial Composition

Author: Wiktor Skrzypczak, HCU Hamburg

Supervisor: Matthias Ballestrem, Prof. Dr., HCU Hamburg

Research stage: Final doctoral stage

Category: Paper

DDR Statement

If I could recommend something to my past self, at the beginning of my research, I would recommend myself to make a cumulative doctorate, to split it into smaller coherent research projects and so avoid roaming on the ocean of endless questions and endless possible routes of investigation.

I would recommend myself to integrate medial and technological procedures strongly with the research methodology in order to help document and transmit knowledge from intimate practice to peers.

I would recommend myself to learn creative writing in addition to scientific writing, in order to overcome the writing difficulties typical of architects.

I would expect my supervising institutions to provide obligatory courses in epistemology, scientific method(s) and their development over the centuries.

I would expect my supervising institutions to define in detail the formats of presenting and disseminating the research.

I would expect different formats for presenting explicit, rational knowledge and different formats for presenting implicit, experiential knowledge, and also new formats which combine these both kinds of knowledge.