Niković / Belgrade on Screens

Belgrade on Screens Cut 2: Dis/continuous Location(s)

Author: Miljana Niković, HCU Hamburg

Supervisor: Mona Mahall, Prof. Dr., HCU Hamburg

Research stage: Intermediate doctoral stage

Category: Paper

DDR Statement

After isolating all relevant scenes from two selected movies—“Before the War” (d. Vuk Babić, 1966) and "Before the Truth" (d. Kokan Rakonjac, 1968)—the previous experiment implied new compositions through a direct transformation of chosen excerpts in a video editing software program. Encouraged to continue experimenting with scenography as soon as possible, the aim is now to discuss a spatial construction and pursue the testing in that direction. Therefore, some key locations will be placed in a virtual 3D model and/or interactive map that will allow a deeper understanding of reproduced dis/continuities through the film excerpts.

The methodology will be based on recommendations following the first test “Cut 1: Before the War / Before the Truth” previously shown in Ljubljana (September 2021). This consists of preparing a very clear structure to begin with as a basis: a simplified and shortened list of movies to consider, as well as their respective excerpts. After having established a clear database, the main goal will be to create a dialogue of the chosen excerpts through a set of spatial connectors. It is in that second part of the ‘making-of’ that design-driven strategies will arise. Indeed, during “Cut 1,” it became quite evident that the creative phase is totally unpredictable in regards to initial ideas or detailed concepts. In other words, once the database is set, surprising decisions may form a set of surprising results.