Conference Program

Last edit: 08 Jan. @ 16:14


SSID: CA2RE+ Conference

Password: Tudelft2022


For the location of venues please click.

Berlage Room 1 - Berlage Room 2: Conference opening, sessions & Workshop 1

Room A: Sessions

Room C: Workshop 2 and Conference Closing

Room Q: Sessions

Room K: Exhibition room for artefacts & sessions

BG.Oost.490: Dedicated to the online presentations only, the room is open to the on-site audience

BG.Oost.620: Office space for the participants (Reserved on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday)


Please find below the direct Zoom links associated with the venues. For the workshops on Monday and Friday (Berlage Room 1 / Room C) and keynote lectures, we will use a dedicated link as these sessions will be open to the general audience.

For the conference sessions, we will use the Zoom events lobby that allows us to control centrally all the parallel sessions and recordings. The Zoom lobby requires you to login with your Zoom account. If you already have a Zoom account, you can sign in with it. Please make sure that you use the same account to log in to the Zoom application. After the login, the conference lobby will be linked with your account and you will be able to see all the sessions on your Zoom account.

Please make sure that you have the latest version of the Zoom desktop client installed. Otherwise, update it to the latest version!

If you do not have a Zoom account, you will need to create one upon clicking the "Join Lobby" or "Register" button that takes a few additional steps. If you encounter any problem accessing the Lobby, you can also click the button "Skip and Join In-Progress Session" which will take you to the on-going session.

Zoom Links

Zoom Berlage Room 1

Zoom Room A

Zoom Room C

Zoom Room K

Zoom Room Q

Zoom BG.Oost.490

Orange Hall Live Stream